In [1]:
from openmdao.main.api import Component, Assembly, Slot, Case
from openmdao.main.datatypes.api import Float, Int
from openmdao.util.testutil import assert_rel_error, assert_raises

from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.api import DBCaseRecorder, ListCaseRecorder, ListCaseIterator
from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import CaseIteratorDriver
from openmdao.main.api import Driver
from openmdao.lib.casehandlers.dbcase import list_db_vars, case_db_to_dict

from openmdao.lib.drivers.api import COBYLAdriver, CONMINdriver, \
        NEWSUMTdriver, SLSQPdriver, Genetic
import os.path as path
import pandas as pd

%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pylab import *

Some convenient function to manipulate openmdao classes

In [2]:
def call_func(self, outputs=None, **kwargs):
    Conveniently call the assemblies/component in a functional way.
        output1, output2, ... = assembly(['output1', 'output2', ...], input1=val1, input2=val2...)
        output1 = assembly('output1', input1=val1, input2=val2...)
        assembly = assembly(input1=val1, input2=val2...)

    The function will do:
        self.input1 = val1
        self.input2 = val2
        return [self.output1, self.output2,...]
    for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if hasattr(self, k):
            setattr(self, k, v)
            #print k + '=' + str(v)
    # Prepare outputs
    if not outputs:
        # Return the object executed that can then be used directly
        return self
    if isinstance(outputs, str):
        outputs_val = getattr(self, outputs)
    elif isinstance(outputs, list):
        outputs_val = []
        for o in outputs:
            outputs_val.append(getattr(self, o))
    return outputs_val

Component.__call__ = call_func
Assembly.__call__ = call_func

## Transform an openmdao recorder into a pandas dataframe
rec2df = lambda rec: pd.DataFrame([[c[k] for k in rec.cases[0].keys()] for c in rec.cases], columns=rec.cases[0].keys())

The Component: implement the Rosenbrock function: $$f=100 (x2 - x1^2)^2 + (1 - x1)^2$$

The Component has two inputs:

  • x1: a float
  • x2: a float

And one output:

  • f: a float

In [4]:
class Rosenbrock(Component):
    """ Standard two-dimensional Rosenbrock function. """

    x1 = Float(iotype='in')
    x2 = Float(iotype='in')
    f  = Float(iotype='out')

    def execute(self):
        """ Just evaluate the function. """
        x1 = self.x1
        x2 = self.x2
        self.f = 100 * (x2 - x1**2)**2 + (1 - x1)**2

In [5]:
## Plotting the contour map
def contour_plot(Rosenbrock):
    rose = Rosenbrock()
    XS, YS = meshgrid(linspace(-2, 2, 20), linspace(-2,2, 20));
    ZS = array([rose(x1=x, x2=y).f for x,y in zip(XS.flatten(),YS.flatten())]).reshape(XS.shape);
    contourf(XS, YS, ZS, 50);

Looking at the Assembly structure:

In [52]:
class Optimization(Assembly):
    def configure(self):
        """ Configure driver and its workflow. """
        super(Assembly, self).configure()
        ## Add some components
        self.add('rosenbrock', Rosenbrock())
        ## Add an optimizer: COBYLAdriver, CONMINdriver, NEWSUMTdriver, SLSQPdriver, Genetic
        self.add('driver', Genetic())         

        ## The parameters of the optimization
        self.driver.add_parameter('rosenbrock.x1', low=-2, high=2, start=-1.0)
        self.driver.add_parameter('rosenbrock.x2', low=-2, high=2, start=-2.0)
        ## This recorder will create a list of cases
        self.driver.recorders = [ListCaseRecorder()]
        ## These variables will be recorded
        self.driver.printvars = ['rosenbrock.x1','rosenbrock.x2','rosenbrock.f',]

        ## Some optimizer options
        self.driver.itmax = 300
        self.driver.fdch = 0.00001
        self.driver.fdchm = 0.000001
        self.driver.ctlmin = 0.001
        self.driver.delfun = 0.0001

In [53]:
opti = Optimization()
# optional here, replace optimizer: COBYLAdriver, CONMINdriver, NEWSUMTdriver, SLSQPdriver, Genetic
# opti.replace('driver', COBYLAdriver())

1 loops, best of 3: 2 s per loop

In [54]:

## Transform the openmdao recorder into a pandas dataframe
df = rec2df(opti.driver.recorders[0])

df.plot(x='rosenbrock.x1', y='rosenbrock.x2', marker='x', color='w')
df[df['rosenbrock.f']==df['rosenbrock.f'].min()].plot(x='rosenbrock.x1', y='rosenbrock.x2', marker='o', color='r')
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2')


In [55]:

rosenbrock.x1 rosenbrock.x2 Objective rosenbrock.f
count 87.000000 87.000000 87.000000 87.000000
mean 0.430390 0.184903 6.316422 6.316422
std 0.201764 0.260158 44.743707 44.743707
min -0.450469 -1.525872 0.103758 0.103758
25% 0.333193 0.098585 0.173356 0.173356
50% 0.451861 0.195807 0.309582 0.309582
75% 0.593876 0.340988 0.463755 0.463755
max 0.692676 0.458849 402.366477 402.366477

8 rows × 4 columns

Recreating Rosenbrock as an Assembly of two Components:

  • $x3 = a(x_1, x_2) = 100(x_2-x_1^2)^2$
  • $f = b(x_1, x_3) = x_3 + (1 - x_1)^2 = b(x_1, a(x_1, x_2))$

In [72]:
class A(Component):
    x1 = Float(iotype='in')
    x2 = Float(iotype='in')
    x3 = Float(iotype='out')
    def execute(self):
        self.x3 = 100 * (self.x2 - self.x1**2)**2 
class B(Component):
    x1 = Float(iotype='in')
    x3 = Float(iotype='in')
    f = Float(iotype='out')
    def execute(self):
        self.f = self.x3 + (1 - self.x1)**2
class C(Assembly):
    x1 = Float(iotype='in')
    x2 = Float(iotype='in')
    f = Float(iotype='out')
    def configure(self):
        self.add('a', A())
        self.add('b', B())
        self.add('driver', Driver())
        ## The workflow is sequential: first `a` then `b`
        self.driver.workflow.add(['a', 'b'])

        ## Connecting the variables between the components and the assembly
        self.connect('a.x3', 'b.x3')
        self.connect('x1',['a.x1', 'b.x1'])


Now that we have recreated Rosenbrock, we can use it in our previous optimization assembly

In [73]:
opti = Optimization()
## We replace the Rosenbrock instance by a C instance
opti.replace('rosenbrock', C())
opti.replace('driver', COBYLAdriver())

W:driver:Max. number of function evaluations reached

In [3]:

## Transform the openmdao recorder into a pandas dataframe
df = rec2df(opti.driver.recorders[0])

df.plot(x='rosenbrock.x1', y='rosenbrock.x2', marker='x', color='w')
df[df['rosenbrock.f']==df['rosenbrock.f'].min()].plot(x='rosenbrock.x1', y='rosenbrock.x2', marker='o', color='r')
xlabel('x1'); ylabel('x2')


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-395e150913b9> in <module>()
----> 1 contour_plot(Rosenbrock)
      3 ## Transform the openmdao recorder into a pandas dataframe
      4 df = rec2df(opti.driver.recorders[0])

NameError: name 'contour_plot' is not defined

In [ ]: